"Our Christmas Evergreen Tree stands tall to be decorated in our midst, a source of joy and wonder for our family since it was planted by our own hands in 2009."

As Christmas Day draws near, our hearts are filled with the warmth and joy of the holiday season. What better symbol of this festive cheer than the evergreen tree, standing tall as a beacon of light and reminder of the magic of Christmas time.

Since planting this tree over 14 years ago, it has flourished in harmony with our growing family. Together, we've witnessed its steady ascent, as we've embraced new members and celebrated life's precious moments, the tree has stood sentinel, a silent witness to the beauty of our shared journey. I've always loved taking the same photo in the exact same spot. It's this little memory frozen in time and when I look at them altogether lined up like this, I see just how far we've come as a family.

May your Christmas season be as radiant and festive as our evergreen companion, offering a beacon of hope and love amid the winter chill. Enjoy this special time with loved ones, creating cherished memories and celebrating time-honored traditions. Wishing you all the best, and a truly merry Christmas!